Förtjusande Briksdalsbreen

Förtjusande Briksdals breen, even if your picture is not of Briksdalsbreen. It is a view across the lake towards Melkevollsbreen, however, it is interesting to be able to comment on Briksdalsbreen. It has been my favourite for many many years, and it is so sad that it is melting away. Only last year it receded 146 meters, and by all accounts it will continue to recede and thin out, perhaps even breaking off further up.
Hi George! Thanks for your comment, I must say that I know that the picture isn´t of Briksdalsbreen itself - I hoped to fool some readers... ´cause my picture of Briksdalsbreen was totally catastrophic. So was the weather this year. I´m just glad that Norway is so near Sweden that I´ve the opportunity to go back as often as I like!